Laravel 5 Shortcode


Open your composer.json file, and add the new required package.

  "pingpong/shortcode": "~2.1"

Next, open a terminal and run.

  composer update

After the composer updated. Add new service provider in config/app.php.


Add new Facade alias.

'Shortcode'       => 'Pingpong\Shortcode\ShortcodeFacade',


Registering Shorcode

Using closure:

Shortcode::register('a', function($attr, $content = null, $name = null)
	$text = Shortcode::compile($content);
	return '<a'.HTML::attributes($attr).'>'. $text .'</a>';

Using class name.

class DivShortcode
  public function register($attr, $content = null, $name = null)
  	$text = Shortcode::compile($content);
  	return '<div'.HTML::attributes($attr).'>'. $text .'</div>';

Shortcode::register('div', 'DivShortcode');

Using class name with the specified method.

class HTMLShortcode
  public function img($attr, $content = null, $name = null)
    $src = array_get($attr, 'src');
  	$text = Shortcode::compile($content);
  	return '<img src="'.$src.'" '.HTML::attributes($attr).'/>';

Shortcode::register('img', 'HTMLShortcode@img');

Using callback array.

class SpanShortcode

  public function div($attr, $content = null, $name = null)
  	$text = Shortcode::compile($content);
  	return '<span'.HTML::attributes($attr).'>'. $text .'</span>';

Shortcode::register('span', array('SpanShortcode', 'span'));

Using function name.

function smallTag($attr, $content = null, $name = null)
	$text = Shortcode::compile($content);
	return '<small'.HTML::attributes($attr).'>'. $text .'</small>';

Shortcode::register('small', 'smallTag');

Compiling Shortcode

$text = '[a href="#"]Click here[/a]';
echo Shortcode::compile($text);

$text = '
[a href="#"]
 [img src=""]
 [small]This is small text[/small]
echo Shortcode::compile($text);

Unregistering Shortcode


Destroying All Shortcodes
